Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dripping, dripping

OK, so I'm learning - slowly. This is not quite doing what I want it to do yet... Send me comments by clicking on the word comments at the bottom of this post. Send me favourite links and I will also post them if I like them too. I will also post my favourite links.

The snow is still here, dripping all night long, so it is leaving - this is good. No I didn't cycle yesterday. Won't today either. Didn't find my ski boots yet - snow will be too slushy today anyway.

Always lots to do even when snowbound. Busy with my guitar, web wandering to research kayaks, cleaning out cupboards and book shelves. Anyone want any research design and multivariate stats books? How about old Architectural Digest mags, or Harrowsmith? Good grief, how a life collects things and interests change and move along! It is strange to think of just burning all this past....

OK, here is my first favourite link, check out this fabulous jewellery would you! And remember to vote for this site too (click on the icon at the bottom of the first page to vote). I have many favourite pieces from this artist....
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

To Begin

I will try a blog this year, just to see how it works. It seems to have potential as an interesting mode of communication and will hopefully help me to NOT inflict my travel writing on those who don't wish to read it! Presumably only those who want to read what I have to say will do so - no obligation necessary!

Its December and we sit surrounded by snow and cold waiting for it to go away, for Christmas to come, and to leave for Mexico by the 27th with our new kayaks strapped on the roof of our motor home. Hopefully the snow will be gone soon!!