Monday, March 12, 2007

In LA and Homeward Bound Manana...

Well its Monday and here we are at Miguel's waiting for him to get to our coach. A few things have come up for him so he may not be able to look at it till tomorrow, or . . . oh well.

Border Crossing on Sunday:
Don't do it. What were we thinking? We had a 2 1/2 hour wait in the hot sun at the Tecote border only for them to look in the fridge and send us on our way. We had thoughtfully emptied everything out that morning so we had nothing for lunch. No worries, we would be well across the border by lunch! Ha!! Not!! We spent lunch in line and I made natchos for lunch. No nice fresh salad. No vegs. no fruit. Now we know.

I have had some requests for comentary on the food, well camerones and scallops - yum, what can I say. At El Coyote a vender or three came by every day with fresh caught fish, scallops and camerones - our dinner slept in the sea the night before! Can't get too much fresher than that. We were not the piggy wiggys we were the first year or even last year, we now manage to make a kilo of camerone last for a dinner and a lunch the next day. Our big find this year is carne asada. Due to Lorne's food issues most Mexican food is verboten, however we were in Costco shopping for when the kids came down and Lorne grabbed what he thought was corned beef that he could eat as the marinade did not include onions or garlic. Turned out it was not corned beef at all but the most delicious thinly cut tender beef. This is traditionally bbq'd on a charcol grill and tortellias heated to fill with the beef. Add lots of hot sauce and whatever else you want - peppers, salsa, onions and WOW! this is so good. So we went back to Costco and bought up lots of carne asada to bring home. Difficult to make it fit around all the camerone and scallops we have in the freezer tho.... I think I could probably figure out a marinade that would work to make this at home too. Oh boy a Mexican food party - get ready!

Had to have lunch today at the In and Out - think I've had enough of that now but it is very good. Its also cool to watch them peel and cut the fries right in front of you.

Homeward Stretch
So, now is the time to give me a list of any items you would like us to bring back for you from the US. If you haven't figured out how to send comments just send me an email (don't worry you are not alone! I have received many emails from others who can't figure it out either). We will be stopping at one or more of the outlet malls and a regular mall too - possibly Frys, a huge computer store in Oregon if they will give us a warranty that will be honored in Canada. Did I mention that our computer is toast? We are using Miguel's computer today and will check email before we get home if we can. Otherwise you can text message me on my cell phone.

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